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Here’s a quick reminder that there are only 20 days left for my project, In A Place. Since launching the project, I’ve been receiving some great feedback on both the art book and the project as a whole.

Within the project’s first week, Kickstarter selected In A Place as a Staff Pick on their website’s blog. During the second week, Janice Kleinschmidt from Palm Springs Life interviewed me for an article she is writing for the December Art + Culture publication about local artists turning to Kickstarter for funding and exposure. Janice and her photographer Elena RayAntaratma even followed me on a photo shoot documenting how I create an In A Place scene. And, I’m excited to announce that Debra Mumm’s Venus Studios in Palm Desert has already offered to host our Southern California launch.

One of the biggest questions I’ve been getting is “How does Kickstarter work?” I’ll defer to the Kickstarter experts to explain:

“All-or-nothing funding? Every Kickstarter project must be fully funded before its time expires or no money changes hands.”
… thus, taking the risk out of this fundraising event for everyone. If my Kickstarter project is successful, I’ll have enough money to print and ship the books. The fun part is that I can also spice up the deal with great rewards such as original artwork that’s directly related to the In A Place project. Please note that backing a Kickstarter project requires an amazon account for payment. This protects your credit card information and makes it really easy for anyone who already has an account. Should the project fall short of reaching its goal, no one get’s charged a single penny.

A huge thank you to everyone who has been supportive of In A Place. It has been quite an adventure putting this whole project together, from building miniature picnic tables, to photographing the scenes, to designing the book, and finally offering copies of the book for everyone to own. This is our big chance to make this book available, so please tell anyone who you feel might be interested in buying a copy of In A Place about my Kickstarter project.

Thanks again!

In A Place @

During the six years that I’ve been collecting images for In A Place, I have crafted twenty-seven miniature picnic tables. A few of them have been modified several times to give them a stronger presence in the book. Some haven’t survived the many adventures that I’ve subjected them to.

It’s time to give the miniature tables their moment in the spotlight.

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